Beech • Fagus \’bēch\
Trees & Shrubs
Conditions: Allergic rhinitis; conjunctivitis; allergic asthma4 Symptoms: Runny nose and/or congestion; itchy, watery eyes; coughing; wheezing; sore throat
Physical description: Tall, deciduous tree that grows 60-80 feet in height; produces edible nuts that grow together in groups of two or three, covered by a husk; leaves and bark are poisonous
Environmental factors: Found in wooded, well-drained areas with fertile soil; pollen is buoyant and easily dispersed by the wind; grows best in sandy loam
Cross-reactivity: Alder, birch, hazel and oak
Included species: American beech, Carolina beech, gray beech, red beech, ridge beech, white beech2
- “Beech.”Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/beech
- “Plant cross-reactivity and its fallout for allergy sufferers.” Foods Matter. https://www.foodsmatter.com/allergy_intolerance/causes-allergy/articles/ plant-cross-reactivity-and-allergy-01-16.html
- “Beech.”Pollen.com. https://www.pollen.com/research/genus/fagus
- “The allergen profile of beech and oak pollen.”
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18754759 - “Beech.”Britannica.com. https://www.britannica.com/plant/beech
Did You Know?
Game animals such as deer, bears, squirrels, and game birds commonly eat beech nuts, which are high in protein and fat. They are also used by farmers to fatten poultry.