Redtop • Agrostis solonifera
Conditions: Allergic rhinitis; allergic asthma; allergic conjunctivitis.
Symptoms: Itchy, stuffy, or runny nose; post-nasal drip; sneezing; itchy, red or watery eyes; asthmatic symptoms.
Physical description: fine-leaved perennial grass, with blades that
can grow up to 7 inches in height; other species within the genus, such as A. gigantea, can grow much taller.
Environmental factors: One of the best tame wetland grasses, capable of adapting to a wide range of soils and climactic conditions period compared to other grasses.
Cross-reactivity: Extensive cross-reactivity throughout the Agrostis genus, as well as other grasses such as meadow, Timothy, and rye.
- “Redtop.”Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/redtop
- “Bent (Agrostis) Genus Level Details & Allergy Info.” PollenLibrary.com. http://www.pollenlibrary.com/Genus/Agrostis/
- “Redtop” USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. https://plants.usda.gov/factsheet/pdf/fs_aggi2.pdf
Did You Know?
Redtop is known as a “rhizomatous” plant, meaning that its stems grow individually and spread below ground, unlike other grasses. That allows for it to grow evenly in lawns and is a big reason why it is a preferred grass for golf and bowling greens.