With spring and summer come warmer temperatures, green grass and leaves, colorful flowers, and more opportunities to enjoy being outside. However, the allergens these changes bring can be challenging to many people, including children. Allergic reactions show up in many different ways, from sneezing and watering eyes to rashes and hives. As if that weren’t enough, allergies can also cause colds.
If your child seems to get sick every time the weather changes, allergies may be the culprit. It is important to know the causes of allergies in children to help you identify any allergens that may be affecting them. It is also important to know what actions to take in order to treat their allergies.
Causes of spring and summer allergies
One common cause of allergies is genetics. If you have allergies, your child may develop them, too. However, that does not necessarily mean that you and your child will have the same type of allergies. You could primarily have food allergies, while your child suffers from environmental allergies. Sometimes allergies appear early in life and other times they show up in the teenage or adult years. The effect of allergens can also change, becoming less severe over time or with treatment.
Identifying allergies in your child
Some allergic reactions are simple to identify, such as when a child is playing outside in the grass and a rash appears on their skin. However, some reactions are harder to credit. Is it the trees outside or your perfume that makes your child’s eyes water and their sinuses clog? A qualified pediatrician can perform thorough allergy testing to help identify the underlying allergens.
Actions to take once allergies have been found
One of the best ways to reduce allergic symptoms is to avoid or eliminate allergens. Washing clothes in hot water helps kill some allergens and remove them. Your child should take nightly showers or baths before bed to scrub away allergic triggers. You can also shut your windows and doors and use a HEPA air filter to help prevent allergic reactions. Pay attention to your cleaning products, because many of them contain fragrances or dyes that can irritate the sinuses or skin. All of these changes should be made slowly so you can monitor what helps your child and what doesn’t.
Treatments for allergies in children
There are many medications available to help with allergic reactions. Many are sold over the counter and come in forms like liquids, pills, nasal sprays, and topical ointments. A simple dose is often all your child needs to bounce back from their allergy symptoms. Prescription medicines, immunotherapy, and natural regimens are also available for more severe cases. All of these options may seem overwhelming, but your child’s pediatrician can help you narrow down the best choices and how to implement them.
Handling lifestyle changes
It can be very hard to avoid certain allergens, especially if that means your child must make sacrifices by avoiding certain foods or the outdoors. Pollen is everywhere and eating out safely can seem impossible. People with allergies sometimes find that non-allergy sufferers can be unsympathetic or unhelpful. It can also be difficult to remember to take medications each day and may seem emotionally overwhelming to your child when they cannot play outside.
Keep in mind that you and your child DO have the ability to overcome even the worst allergic reactions. While some reactions can be life-threatening, you and your child don’t have to stop enjoying life. Speaking with a pediatrician can help you decide where lifestyle changes are needed and where they are not necessary.
Empowering your child
Kids can take an active role in improving their own health by being aware of their surroundings and knowing their allergic triggers. Parents can partner with pediatricians to create age-appropriate lessons for children to learn how they can avoid likely problem areas. Children can even practice better techniques for taking medicines like nasal sprays, which need to be inhaled rather than snorted for best effect. When children know that they are able to help themselves, the misery of allergies will not be so overwhelming.
If you suspect your child has allergies, finding the right pediatrician with experience in allergy testing and treatment is vital. The office of Dr. John Young in Amarillo, Texas is committed to making allergy testing as easy as possible for you and for your child. Call us today at (806) 354-0404 ext. 3330 or Contact Us by email to learn more about Our Services. You can also visit our office in person at 1500 S. Coulter St., Suite #3 in Amarillo.