The Texas Department of Public Safety has created an excellent website which presents guidelines for child passenger saftety: Texas DPS Carseat Information This simplification has been long overdue. Here are important points to remember from these guidelines. First, NEVER turn forward-facing before … [Read more...] about Appropriate Car Seats
Health Conditions
Thumb Sucking/Fingernail Biting Treatments
We have received questions about thumb sucking and biting fingernails. Both of these activities are common because they tend to relieve stress. However, they can cause alterations in tooth placement in the case of thumb sucking and damage to the nails with pan and local infections in the case of … [Read more...] about Thumb Sucking/Fingernail Biting Treatments
Caffeine in Children & Adolescents
A mother asked about caffeine use in children: Caffeine is a stimulant – one of the few legal stimulants. We generally recommend no caffeine for children or adolescents. The Mayo clinic recommends no caffeine for children and 100mg or less for adolescents. 400mg or less per day has been found to be … [Read more...] about Caffeine in Children & Adolescents
Recommended Mosquito Repellents
With all of the rain we had over the past few weeks, these pesky bugs are multiplying and can overrun your outdoor spaces in no time; rendering it nearly impossible to play outside without suffering a bite or ten! Skin So Soft, and OFF Towlettes are the two products that Dr. Young recommends … [Read more...] about Recommended Mosquito Repellents
Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Dr. Young and his staff would like to share some friendly advice with you and your loved ones! The spring and summer seasons bring bugs and pests to our homes which can lead to purchasing various poisons and deterrents. These among other cleaners and chemicals you might regularly have around the … [Read more...] about Poison Control 1-800-222-1222