Cypress • Cupressaceae
Trees & Shrubs
Conditions: Allergic rhinitis; allergic asthma; bronchitis 4 Symptoms: Itchy, stuffy, or runny nose; post-nasal drip; sneezing; itchy, red, or watery eyes; asthmatic symptoms.
Physical description: Family of coniferous trees and shrubs that vary drastically in shape and size; bald cypress trees leaves are needle-like and feathery growing with an upright growth pattern and bare-looking branches; pond cypress leaves are needle-like much like the bald cypress, and vibrant green with an upright growth pattern; deciduous conifer with a pyramidal, narrow shape and highly tolerant to drought.
Environmental factors: Commonly found in the Everglades, swampy areas, ponds, dry land, and occasionally in areas of high drought.
Cross-reactivity: Juniper and cedar tree.
Included species: Bald cypress, Monterey cypress, pond cypress, and more.
1. “Cypress.”Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cypress
2. “Bald Cypress.” The National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Guide. https://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Wildlife-Library/Plants/Bald-Cypress.aspx, https://www.arborday.org/trees/treeguide/TreeDetail.cfm?ItemID=787
3. “Pond Cypress.” NatureHills.com. http://www.naturehills.com/pond-cypress-trees http://sfrc.ufl.edu/extension/4h/ecosystems/_plants/Pond_cypress/index.html
5. “Cross-Reactivity.” AAAAI. https://www.aaaai.org/Aaaai/media/MediaLibrary/PDF%20Documents/ Immunotherapy%20Forms/3c-Allergen-cross-reactivity-patterns.pdf
6. “Bald Cypress.” Home Guide | SFGate. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/bald-cypress-tree-38651.html
7. “Bald Cypress.” ArborDay.org. https://www.arborday.org/trees/treeguide/TreeDetail.cfm?ItemID=787
Did You Know?
Due to the strength and quality of the wood, cypress is used for making furniture, creating art, and making many decorative items.