Epicoccum • Epicoccum nigrum
Conditions: Allergic rhinitis.
Symptoms: Itchy, stuffy, or runny nose; post-nasal drip; sneezing; itchy, red or watery eyes.
Physical description: Grows in suede-like or downy patches, ranging in color from yellow to orange-brown.
Environmental factors: Found in soil, plant litter, decaying plants, and damaged plant tissue; can also be found on a variety of building materials, as well as carpet, mattresses, and painted surfaces; prevalent on dry, windy days, with higher counts late in the day.
Cross-reactivity: Alternaria alternate; curvularia lunata; cladosporium herbarum; penicillium citrinum.
Included species: Epicoccum, epicoccum purpurascens (formerly known as epicoccum nigrum), and epicoccum andropogonis.
- “Epicoccum.”Environix. https://www.environix.com/mold/learning/types-of-mold/epicoccum/
- “Epicoccum Nigrum in the Home.” Mold Answers. https://www.mold-answers.com/epicoccum-nigrum.html
- “Indoor Mold And Bacteria and Their Health Effects.” MBL Labs. https://www.moldbacteria.com/mold/indoor-mold-and-bacteria-and-their-health-effects.html
- “Antigenic and allergenic cross-reactivity of Epicoccum nigrum with other fungi.” Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology; Bisht, V., B. P. Singh, N. Arora, S. N. Gaur, and S. Sridhara. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12269649
5. “Epicoccum purpurascens.” INSPQ. https://www.inspq.qc.ca/en/moulds/fact-sheets/epicoccum-purpurascens
This type of mold is used to produce antibiotics such as flavipin, epicorazine A&B, and indole-3-acetonitrile.