Walnut • Juglans
Trees & Shrubs
Conditions: Allergic rhinitis; allergic asthma; bronchitis.
Symptoms: Itchy, stuffy, or runny nose; post-nasal drip; sneezing; itchy, red or watery eyes; sinus headaches.
Physical description: Some species can grow up to 90 feet tall; produces 2-inch diameter round fruit containing a light-brown wrinkled nut; leaves are compound, have 5-9 leaflets with a terminal leaf slightly larger than the lateral leaves.
Environmental factors: Found in fields and rich woodlands; causes growth inhabitation to other plants; pollen is abundant but does not travel far.
Cross-reactivity: Butternut; Arizona walnut; Hind’s California black walnut; English walnut
Included species: Black walnut, little walnut, Southern California walnut, and more.
- “Pollen Calendar.” Hollister Stier Allergy. http://www.hsallergy.com/patient-education/pollen-calendar/
- “Black Walnut (Juglans nigra).” Pollen.com. http://www.pollenlibrary.com/Specie/Juglans+nigra/
- “Black Walnut.” United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services. https://plants.usda.gov/plantguide/pdf/cs_juni.pdf
- “Allergy Causes and Symptoms.” Allervision. https://www.allervision.com/allergy_causes_and_symptoms
- “BlackWalnut.”Greer. http://www.greerlabs.com/files/Library/Botanical-Profiles/Trees/Black-Walnut.pdf
- “Cross-Reactivity.” Hollister Stier Allergy. http://www.hsallergy.com/products/cross-reactivity/
- “Black Walnut.” United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services. https://plants.usda.gov/factsheet/pdf/fs_juni.pdf
Did You Know?
Walnut wood is used to make top-quality furniture.